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frontal bone 意味

"frontal bone"の例文


  • 前頭骨{ぜんとうこつ}


  • hemorrhagic staining on the inside of the frontal bone .
    前頭骨の内側に 出血性染色があるので
  • the bullet entered the frontal bone just above the left orbit , traveled in an upward trajectory
  • the damage to the frontal bone would have resulted in severe cerebral contusions .
    粉砕骨折は被害者に 深刻な脳挫傷を もたらしたはずだわ
  • possible fractures to the right side of the body , frontal bone , ribs , ulna and radius .
    体の右側に 微小骨折の可能性がある 全頭骨と
  • possible fractures to the right side of the body , frontal bone , ribs , ulna and radius .
    体の右側に 微小骨折の可能性がある 全頭骨と
  • unfortunately , the base of the candlestick is too thick to have caused the comminuted fracturing to the frontal bone .
    残念ながら 前頭骨を粉砕するには 大きさが合いませんね
  • based on the shape of the frontal bone , the narrow nasal aperture and the size of the mandible , the victim was a caucasian female .
    前頭骨の形状と 狭い鼻孔 下顎の大きさから 被害者は白人女性ね
  • hemorrhagic staining to the area surrounding the wound on the frontal bone suggests that the injury was sustained around time of death .
    出血性染色が頭蓋骨にあります つまり死亡時刻がわかりますね 染色は頭部の 外傷のせいかもしれないわ
  • the left side of the frontal bone , including the supraorbital foramen , as well as the maxilla , and the right zygomatic are all missing .
    眼窩上など前頭骨の左側、 上顎と右頬骨が 見つからない これじゃあ アンジェラも 顔の復元ができない


  • the large cranial bone forming the front part of the cranium: includes the upper part of the orbits
    Synonyms: os frontale, forehead,

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